Caroline Gordon-Elliott
- May 23, 2023
- 2 min
What the F*#! is World-Building?
It's your job as the writer to create the world we're in. It's the production team's job to put it into action. So how do you build this...
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Caroline Gordon-Elliott
- May 16, 2023
- 3 min
Don't Be Judgmental; Be Curious
Being judgmental is bad for your health. Try a dose of curiosity instead.
49 views4 comments
Caroline Gordon-Elliott
- May 9, 2023
- 3 min
Collaboration is Key
How collaborating in the writing process makes everything better
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Caroline Gordon-Elliott
- May 2, 2023
- 2 min
What Are You Waiting For?
Imagine you're sitting on your couch, eating cheese and crackers, and watching The Great British Bake Off. Your doorbell rings. Who could...
58 views1 comment
Caroline Gordon-Elliott
- Apr 11, 2023
- 2 min
Do Like Rob Lowe: Sleep
How is Rob Lowe still so handsome? Sure, maybe a little tweak from a doctor, but it's also his sleep habits. Rob Lowe told the Smartless...
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